A Japanese scientist, Dr Masaru Emoto, was researching the impact of music on water. During his research he came across this amazing fact that water molecules change their shape and pattern with different type of music. when he tried on heavy metal sadly no crystals were formed indicating that its disturbing to water molecules. here are some other examples;
untreated distilled water
below lies the effect on this water when music is played.in both of these, the water formed crystals.
Japanese folk dance |
Bach's classical piece
So now as you've understood, that water molecules react in a different manner to each of the music it seems amazing right?well,that's not all!after this research Dr emoto,wondered,Could water be affected by written words on paper? i know, it sounds kinda illogical but believe it or not,it DID make a difference!
thank-you(Chinese) and you fool(Japanese) |
Now, this proves that water forms crystals when exposed to positive feelings and forms malformed patterns when exposed to negative feelings.it has also been proven that dirty water patterns change when exposed to religious prayers and rituals no matter of what religion it is.
personal prayer
as we humans are 70 percent water, the changes in our mind and body after being exposed to positive or negative feelings can have some connection with this.whatever it maybe, this fact is indeed really surprising and we all are pretty much craving for more but till then....
I love you! |