Friday, November 22, 2013

The Three Incas Sacrifices

   we have often heard about the ancient tribal sacrifices and the strange beliefs behind of the most notable sacrifices include the 500 year old mummies of 3 kids, killed as an Incas sacrifice.
    in Volcán llullaillaco,northwest Argentina, 3 ,five hundred year old mummies of little kids were discovered in 1999.The kids were a 13-year-old girl, nicknamed "The Maiden," a 4- or 5-year-old boy and a 4- or 5-year-old girl. they were remarkably preserved because of the cold, dry air on the mountaintop. The younger girl's body was burned when lightning struck her after her death. Scientists believe the younger girl's metal headdress acted as a lightning rod.
The three Children of Llullaillaco, who were deep frozen rather than embalmed, were also found with an extraordinary collection of elaborate gold, silver and shell statues, textiles and pots containing food.
           the  kids were known to be drugged since 12 months before their death which indicates that the selection for sacrificing had been done beforehand. but researchers noticed an important point that the 13 year old girl ( referred to as "the maiden") was to have been drugged more than the other two.Under biochemical analysis, the Maiden's hair yielded a record of what she ate and drank during the last two years of her life. This evidence seems to support historical accounts of a few selected children taking part in a year of sacred ceremonies—marked in their hair by changes in food, coca, and alcohol consumption—that would ultimately lead to their sacrifice.
      In Inca religious ideology, the authors note, coca and alcohol could induce altered states associated with the sacred. But the substances likely played a more pragmatic role as well, disorienting and sedating the young victims on the high mountainside to make them more accepting of their own grim fates

              After being selected for the deadly rite, the Maiden likely underwent a type of status change, becoming an important figure to the incan empire; the other two children may have served as her attendants.
            when asked about the way of death of the maiden and the other two, one of the researchers said,
"We assumed they had what we call 'the white death,' the peaceful death," Previgliano said. "When you see a picture of The Maiden, it looks like a child sleeping."
      His scans showed The Maiden's lungs were inflated before her death, indicating the children were alive when they were entombed. She also developed a sinus and chest infection in the days or weeks before the trio climbed to the spot near Llullaillaco's summit.
       the most strange and freaky part of the whole incas mummy case is how the 3, 500 year old mummies do not look like they have lasted for 500 years. infact, a lot of experts said that the mummies looked like they died weeks or days before.but however it may look, we cant deny the fact, or either not believe that it is more than a miracle that the 500 year old mummies were discovered in pretty good conditions.                                                            
          All the informations about the trios diet, health and death was gathered by testing their hair, which was completely fine.These kids spent their last moments chewing coco leaves.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


  In 1980 20 year old Cindy Anderson was being haunted by  a series of frightening one episode an acquaintance she lets in the door betrays her trust,says her sister Christine.
   on august 4th 1981, Cindy went to work as she was employed as a legal Secretary she worked in the office alone in the mornings,that's why she keeps the doors locked.moreover there was buzzer installed on her desk to alert the shop next door in times of trouble
         One day, at noon, Jim Rabbitt and Jay Feldstein, two of the lawyers, arrived back at their office after a meeting. According to Jim Rabbitt:
"Jay and I came back from downtown, got to the door and the lights were on, the door was locked. We unlocked the door, went inside, yelled for Cindy and there was no answer. I started to look around out front.   Cindy, when she would leave, would place the phones on hold and that wasn't done either."
    Jim Rabbitt said that there was a romance novel on Cindy's desk opened to the only violent scene in the whole book, where the heroine is abducted at the knife point.
      Cindy was never seen again. There was no body, no farewell letter, no hint where she had gone, or why she had disappeared.were the dreams an indication for this incident, or was it just a mere coincidence?
       Cindy's sister had no idea why she might leave on her own:
"At the time of Cindy's disappearance, there were no circumstances in her life that any of us were aware of that would've caused her to have run away. She was looking forward to quitting her job in two weeks and going to a Bible college that she would attend with her boyfriend. She was very excited about it."
Cindy's dad said he noticed a change in his daughter's behavior:
"Just before she disappeared however, she was becoming like a debutante. She was spending a lot of time on her face and herself and she'd skip breakfast for this reason. And that may be part of the problem."
    the day cindy vanished, the police began searching for clues. Cindy's purse, her keys were missing.but the office was there were no signs of struggle
 a lady who was a client of the law office Cindy worked in, said that Cindy received a phone call , which scared her to death.she said that cindy was honestly and sincerely scared.moreover,the lady even called the police department to check on cindy because she was very very scared.
In September, 1981, a month after Cindy vanished, another strange phone call gave police a new lead. According to Det. Adams, a woman called to report that Cindy was being held in the basement of a white house:
"She said that she was scared and she was talking in low whispers. She kept saying she had to go. I kept begging her to stay on the line, give me more information, give me an exact address, something that we could act on. A short while later, she again called. The lady mentioned that there were two houses side by side owned by the same family, and that the family was out of town. But their son was home and he was the party that was holding Cindy in the basement. We did check street after street on the north end to see if we could find two houses side by side. There's many, but you can't find any positive location to the house."
   till today, there have been no clues for Cindy Andersen missing case.the police did catch 9 drug traffickers and some suspect that Cindy knew one of them and she was killed after she overheard their conversations.
Cynthia "Cindy" Anderson


        Our word is full of mysteries,most which are,in the 21st century,there are lot of mysteries which have been solved due to the advancement of science and technology.but today,i would like to show you some of the famous missing files which have not been solved till today and remained as a mystery.

             The missing case of Lauria bible and Ashley freeman

On December 29.1999 local teenager Ashley Freeman turned 16. It was a night of celebration for her parents and for her best friend Lauria Bible. Lauria's father, Jay, recalled the last time he saw his daughter:  
"Lauria, she said to me, 'Daddy, is it all right if I spend the night with Ashley in the Freeman's' home?'   I said, 'Well, just make sure you're home by noon tomorrow.' And, noon tomorrow didn't happen the way it should've." 
some time that night, the freeman's house was on the time lauria's parents arrived,the fire was out. the police only found one body inside,which was Kathy freeman's(Ashley's mother). there was no sign of Ashley freeman, Danny freeman or lauria bible.
     the case then became more baffling,when the police discovered that that Kathy didn't die in the fire,but by being shot on her forehead.The arson squad concluded that the blaze was deliberately set.
           According to Lorene Bible, her daughter Lauria and Ashley had been best friends since kindergarten:
"Lauria and Ashley would call each other at least once a week. What one was thinking, the other was thinking. It's kind of like when two people, one can finish the sentence when the other one starts one." 
  The day after the fire when laurias parents returned to the crime scene they made a shocking discovery,they found another body,which was almost burned beyond recognition..But it wasn't Lauria or was identified as Danny freeman.he too had been shot.
     Investigators re-examined the crime scene and found no other bodies. However, they did find one important clue: Lauria's purse. In it were her driver's license and nearly $200 in cash. Lorene wondered why her daughter would leave her purse, unless she had been abducted.
   When the police weren't able to find the girls a person named Jeremy B. Jones, confessed to killing Danny and Kathy Freeman. He said he did it as a favor to a friend over a drug debt. Jones claimed that he took the two girls to Kansas, shot them, and threw their bodies into an abandoned mine. A search of the mine, however, turned up nothing. Jones then recanted his confession and denied he killed the girls. He said he lied to authorities to get better food and extra phone privileges in prison. 
   Till now,there have been no signs or sightings of the girls. now if they are alive,they would be 29 years old
Ashely freeman
lauria bible


Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Mermaids...The Biggest Myth of All

  okay,this is my first post here,so i would first of all start by saying that my objective behind making this blog is to do something productive and all my articles are based on lot of research.

               MERMAIDS...The Biggest Myth of All

  After the release of the cartoon "the little mermaid", it was a common question among the kids whether mermaids exist in real.Since i was a little kid, i was pretty much attached to this mermaid thing cause i found it pretty as I am graduating on 20th and i have literally NOTHING to do till then, i thought of finding more about mermaids.
    first of all,mermaid is an aquatic creature with the upper body of a female human and lower body of a fish's tail.There are many legends about mermaids, and even a few dozen historical claims of real mermaid sightings. Though mermaid discoveries are sadly rare in modern times, hundreds of years ago sailors and residents in coastal towns told of encountering the sea-maidens.
      when looking at the the historical myths about the existence of mermaids there are a lot of myths like,"the mermaid wife","the sea Morgan's baby","the fisherman and his soul" and many more. The ancient Greek myths have even regarded the mermaid as one of their goddesses named "Atargatis", a human who later took form of a mermaid. Each of these myths give us a hint that the early people had an idea about something which looks like a mermaid,or there was an incident that led these people to create this fictional(or not)character named the mermaid.
       One reason for this idea could be the syndrome called sirenomelia which is also called "the mermaid syndrome". it is a rare congenital disorder in which a child is born with his or her legs fused together and small genitalia.This disease could be a reason for the birth of the idea of mermaids.Because of  the fish tail like look of the victim's legs ancient people could just make  the idea of mermaids out of it.
      Another reason could be the MANATEES.these animals have adaptations like arms used for steering, a paddle used for propulsion, and remnants of hind limbs (legs) in the form of two small bones. the ancient sailors could've seen a manatee or dugong and misunderstood it for a mermaid.whether they name it sea-maidens or etc, we cant deny the fact that after being under the sun, through the rough seas for literally a LOT of days,it is pretty normal for a person to mistake a manatee for a mermaid.Even the famous sailor Christopher Columbus reported mermaid sightings whereas The U.S. National Ocean Service stated in 2012 that no evidence of mermaids has ever been found.
        finally the last reason i could figure out for these mermaid related myths could be the actual existence of mermaids.even though we have much more proofs about mermaids not being real, we cant ignore the fact that there have been several sightings of mermaids in different parts of the world. there are several pictures,and videos which show real mermaids.however,its still not proved that mermaids exist,even after a lot of sightings.
       To sum up, i would like to say that the ancient people were really imaginative and creative.these myths are a form of their creativity but also we have to consider the fact that these myths have some relation to whats the truth.whether it is about mermaids, or about fairies there would be an incident or factor which gave birth to its idea,and what i have written above is just my opinion about it.i dont know whether mermaids exist or not but what i know is that there were some things and creatures which gave our ancestors an idea about it.